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Saturday, February 21, 2009

A story waiting to be told

So, I've been wanting to start a story of my own but I never seem to do it.

I've written a lot of stories and I enjoy writing but I've never been one to show others what I write which is why I'm not sure if I should start one & I'm also the biggest procrastinators alive and won't be able to post frequently, but all in all I think I might start one soon.

I also just read the Kite Runner and I think it's one of the most amazing books I've read in a while, I loved everything about that book and I definitely think it's a must read.

~ For you, a thousand times over.


doona said...

well, im here and waiting ;)

Ruby Woo said...

What type of stories?

Wafa J said...

Dandoon:Awwh yay! :P

Ruby Woo:I'm more a fiction type of person but I write based on experiences too, it always sounds better when it's true.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead.. hehe im here too ;p

love ;** said...

We are waiting..cant wait writing about experiences is always better ;**

youcompleteme said...

well, Go ahead :)
waiting for u ..

and good choice with the (reaL) sotries :)
I love reaL stories ..

Gray Goose. said...

Can't wait to read what you will soon write:]

- Crystal Spankbomb.

Charmbracelet said...

Hmm..3ndi the kite runner bs madre If I want to read it..I will inshalla I guess cos ive heard alot about it..
cant wait for ur story=)

*S.W ~ said...

I just finished that book too !!
Il9ara7aaa it has one of THE best endings ever ! I LOVED it wayeddd