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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Megan Fox is hot, hot, hot!

Mood: -Content

Quote of the moment: -"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world." Marilyn Monroe

Listening to: -The Sounds - Painted by numbers


On Thursday, my friend and I decided to head over to Mercato to watch Transformers 2 and although, I adored the movie, I have to say the first part was a lot better, but I'm all praise for Megan Fox. That girl would look good even when she's dying! Maybe it's just the makeup and the editing but I still think the universe is pretty unfair.

Anyhow here's a video in memory of the beloved Michael Jackson who passed away recently after suffering from a cardiac arrest. I never was a great fan of his but I will admit, he was one talented guy. I've never seen anyone dance or sing like him for that matter. He was, is and always will be the King of Pop. May he rest in peace,


My Lustful Life said...

i still didn't watch the transformers 2..i need to watch that..and dude, megan fox is gorgeous! id kill to look like her!! and micheal jackson blah, i was never a fan, never will be fan soo i dnt really care....(sorry if i ofended those who like MJ) all i can see is we all die in the end (omg im horrible ;p)

Wafa J said...

It is amashiing! You must must must watch it :P along with Up, that movie was the cutest thing in the world. True but I guess I'll never look like her and I just need to move on and be happy with how I look D:
True, I wasn't either but that's no reason not to wish for his goodwill. You don't have to know the person for their death to affect you. You are horrible! :P

My Lustful Life said...

fine, im gona try and be nice..well you must know im a very mean person:P i know sooo weird, bu ti can be nice but generally im mean;P but you know mean in a nice way i don't know how that's possible some how it is in my own dimenssion or like universie actually no i prefer galaxy:D yess im horrible....rip MJ (that'ss all im gona say) and starlight<3: your supposed to make me feel better and not say im horrible don't let me take back my love for you!:P

Wafa J said...

Haha, awwh you must never take back your love for me, it'll leave me heart-broken and we don't want that now, do we? :P
Well, we're all mean in some way or the other. It's life!

P.s: weird people are awesome D:

-Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and its better to be absolutely ridiculous then absolutely boring.-Marilyn Monroe

Embrace your weirdness! =p

Ruby Woo said...

heeyyyyy I still didn't watch it. If you're gonna talk about the movie in details kitbay *SPOILER ALERT* al7een i know that fox is dying. Thanks for ruining it for me ;/

Wafa J said...

Ruby Woo: Noo, that was not part of the movie! -.- Fox is not dying, I was just saying that she'd look good even if she was :P Notice the 'if'

❛❛Heroine❜❜ said...

Megan Fox tethbaaa7 seriously.. I'd turn lesbian for her and Beyonce.
And notice how I saw turn lesbian to pretty much face the fact that I can never look as good as her. Ymkn 95%, bas not 100% ;p. <- that's me being vain if you didn't catch on :p

Wafa J said...

Haha, I love how you're describing exactly what you're doing. I know I'm pretty slow a lot of the times but not to that extent :P Beyonce is gorgeous but sometimes I wonder if these women really look like this or it's all the airbrushing!