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Saturday, June 6, 2009

You never really know what you got until it's gone.

Mood: Nostalgic, Depressed.

Current song: When your gone-Avril Lavigne

Quote: - Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.


The past few weeks have been hell, All this time I was just waiting for the finals to come and get over with, little did I realise how so much could happen in so little time.

On Friday 22nd of May, I lost someone who was very important to me even though I didn't really know it at that time. Even though it's been more than two weeks, I'm still in shock and I don't know how to put this into words and it pains me to realise that I'll never see that radiant smile of her's again.


Dear G,

I don’t even know where to start or how to say this; I still can’t believe you’re gone. I guess part of me doesn’t want to believe it but I know that it was meant to be and you’re in a better place now.

I just wish I had a chance to say goodbye or tell you how much you mean to me. The days we hung out together will always be treasured. We’ve had our fair share of ups and downs throughout it all but I’ll never forget all the stupid fights, countless tears, laughing so hard that it hurts and our crazy memories. You were one of the most amazing people I have known, everyone put you through so much but you always had your head up and a big goofy grin on your face that brightened so many people's days and for that I admire you so much.

We used to be so close but somewhere along the road we fell apart. I just hope that you know that you were, are, and always will be a part of my life that I’ll cherish and remember.

I hope you rest in peace; you’re missed and loved so much.



doona said...

3atham allah ajrch 7beebty ;**

Pri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pri said...

Sorry, my first comment was a blank comment cause I pressed enter by accident.

I miss her too. I can't believe she's gone. I keep thinking it's some sort of joke and we'll bump into her somewhere and she'll ask us if we missed her and laugh her pretty laugh and everything would go back to normal, whatever that is.

A said...

3atham Allah ajrch.